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Rogues Origin: Book I - Rogues Apocalypse Page 5

  Tony waved at Oscar and said, “Secure the gates and only let people out until we secure all nine of the warehouses.”

  Oscar sent two of his people to the front gate along with Sam to secure the entrance and sent another to rove around the inside perimeter looking for danger.

  Max said, “We need to see if there are any employees or guards. Let’s stop here, sling our rifles, and go talk with these people.”

  Max led Tony, Oscar, and Amy to the Bestfood grocery warehouse and stopped to talk with several of the people walking away from the warehouse.

  “Hey Bud what happened here and is it safe,” asked Max.

  “We stuck around to see if the power was coming back on. All of the men and women with families left when they heard the power was out all across the country.”

  “Where will you go,” Tony asked.

  “Back to Nashville where we live,” answered a tall red headed young man.

  “Young man, look across the skyline at all of the smoke rising. Nashville will be a war zone tomorrow as the gangs and people realize they will soon run out of water and can’t flush their toilets. Why don’t you join us?”

  A woman asked, “Where are you going? And why should we join you?”

  “We’re going to take over these warehouses and make our homes right here. There is plenty of food and water. Do any of you have military or police experience,” said Tony.

  The woman and three of the dozen people replied that they had been in the Army and the woman said, “I drove trucks in Syria, Lebanon, and Pakistan and have been in several firefights. Give me one of those ARs, and I’m good to go, sir.”

  One of the men said, “I ain’t going to be no part of robbing a warehouse.”

  As the man walked away, Max said forcefully, “People the world as you knew it just ended. People will be starving and killing for food. Gangs will try to take over and control people by controlling the food. We plan to take over these abandoned warehouses and trade with the locals for things we need. The owners have abandoned these, and we are just the first group to think about taking them. You will have a place to live, food to eat, and will be paid in what you need to live. We are building an army of survivors to be strong enough to survive.”

  The woman said, “So you think the USA is toast.”

  “Yes, and it will be years to perhaps decades before it begins recovery. Groups like ours will be the first effort,” replied Tony.

  The woman said,” I’m Maggie Alexander, and I’m in.”

  The remaining men joined the new group as well, and Tony told Maggie to bring the ones with military experience along with him and sent the others back to the main group as he and the team proceeded to the warehouse office.

  “Hey stop. What do you want,” said a lone man in a security guard uniform?

  “What happened to management and all the workers,” asked Max?

  “Most of the workers left to go home when the missiles struck the USA then management sent the rest home after loading food and water into their cars and trucks,” they told me to guard the place against looters.

  Tony laughed and said, “So old fellow, they abandoned you and left you to protect their goods from a thousand hungry people heading this way. Look, man! See those columns of smoke rising; that’s looters killing the guards and looting the stores. When all the food is gone, they will come here and kill you for the food.”

  “Oh shit. I’m leaving.”

  “Do you have family around here,” asked Max.

  “No or I would have shagged ass with those cowards,” replied the guard.

  Amy asked, “What were you army or jarhead?”

  “I weren’t nothing; I am a Marine. Once a Marine always a Marine. I might be long in the tooth, but I can still knock heads. I was a Marine Major in the infantry.”

  Amy asked, “What’s a Marine Major doing working as a security guard?”

  “I’m the Captain of Security for this complex and work for White Shield Security.”

  “Join us. We plan to take over the warehouses before the looters get here and save the food to trade with others for things we need to survive. That will be our pay for keeping the food from the gangs and looters,” answered Tony.

  “Makes sense, I’m in.

  “Good, I want you to be head of security at this warehouse and perhaps the others,” replied Tony.

  The old Marine asked, “I’m Harry Long. Who will I report to?”

  Tony interrupted Max and said, “Captain Long you will report to Bob; he is my head of Chief of Security and building and grounds. Bob reports to my right armed man, Oscar.”

  “Great I’m in,” Replied Harry.

  Amy said, “Show us around so we can set up security.”

  Tony said, “Amy handle this one while I split up the others and Max and I take the next warehouse which also has nonperishable food according to Greg. I’ll send three more men to help you secure the place.”

  Max began wondering what his role would be in this new venture. It was apparent that Tony would be their leader and to cross him would be career ending and receive the death penalty.

  Max took a deep breath and said, “Tony it’s obvious that you are in charge of this operation and you already have your men in place to handle the takeover and occupation of the area. What will be my role, if any, in this new world? Do I need to move on?”

  Tony stopped and placed a hand on Max’s shoulder and said, “Whoa, Max, you are the key to all of this working. You are getting to know my team. Which one would you make responsible for community relations or managing the new local police force? You don’t have to answer. I know my people's strengths and weaknesses. None has a lot of people skills. They crack heads and twist arms to change people’s minds. I need a man who can work with the people and make them feel good about being a part of our endeavor. We are building a small new country, and I need you to be the diplomat who communicates with my crew and the locals. Make them part of our team. Cultivate their loyalty. Your title will be Sheriff of Gallatin.”

  “Thanks for having faith in me. I accept and agree with your assessment. I have a few questions. What will we do about the current Sheriff?”

  Tony answered, “He will join our team and report to you, or Oscar will deal with him.”

  Max said, “Okay, but I have no experience in the law. Can I have a couple of men with experience?”

  “Of course and I also want you to take Amy on your team. She needs some mentoring that I think you would be the best person to help her attain her goals,” replied Tony.

  “You know the girl adores you and won’t like the move.”

  Tony said, “I know but, I will be seeking female company since I will not see my wife and family for a long time if ever again. Amy needs to be away from me and get her own life going. She has clung to me since we were kids. I have to break this habit, and I need your help.”

  Max thought for a minute and said, “This will break her heart, and she might get real mean.”

  Tony said, “That’s why I want you to try to get her interested in another man.”

  “Whoa, are you thinking I am that man?”

  Tony replied, “You could do much worse. She is actually beautiful when she wears makeup and dresses like a woman. She also has many talents and skills that are quite necessary during times like these. I never asked, but are you married?”

  “I’m not married because my wife liked my younger brother more than me. I won’t pursue Amy but will find her a good man. I can only present the guy, but I can’t make her fall for him.”

  “That’s a deal Sheriff.”

  They shook hands and walked on back to the others and introduced them to the new Sheriff.

  Bob asked, “Why a nonpolice type and what about Sam and me?”

  Tony responded, “Max will be more than head of our police force. He will be our ambassador to the outside world. He has the best skills to handle that job and will get help from policemen and woman who join hi

  Bob, you will be in charge of warehouse and operation security and will report to Oscar. Sam will work for Max to give him help with the police stuff. Harry will be your right arm and do most of the work for warehouse security so you can concentrate on overall security.

  Rob, I want your brother to report to Max. Rob, you will report to Greg and start a maintenance group for our vehicles.

  While Max will be performing the traditional roles of county cops; his deputies will, in fact, be the people who keep the locals loyal to our operation and identify problem children. So they will be our ambassadors while keeping the peace.”

  One of the new people said, “So are you just going to kill anyone who doesn’t like what you are doing?”

  Tony laughed and said, “No, we will try to win them over. If we fail, we won’t trade with them and will encourage them to leave the area. If they attack us, we will rain hell down on them. We want everyone to grow and prosper, so the rising tide floats all boats. Yes, we plan for everyone to live well and live better lives than the rest of this apocalyptic world but not at our people’s expense.”

  Tony’s words made everyone feel much better about becoming robber barons, so the first step in grabbing resources and starting an army was well underway.

  Max and Tony dropped off the wounded man with Greg to watch after him while the rest drove to the next warehouse. They encountered several people in the front of the Krag Foods warehouse and went in with their rifles slung over their shoulders and palms facing up.

  Tony asked, “Who’s in charge here?”

  “A man stepped forward and said, “I guess I am. My boss left this motley crew and me here to watch the place until the police come.”

  Max replied, “Sir, the police won’t be coming. Most fled to be home with their families and the rest are guarding the police station and stores downtown. You do know the power isn’t coming back on and the shit is hitting the fan all over America.”

  A woman stepped forward and said, “Yes, the last emergency broadcast was an hour ago, and the President said that everyone should do the best they can. He said that FEMA, the military, and all other government agencies would be busy protecting the major cities and trying to restart our country from the northeast first. He said it could be years before any help arrives for the rest of the country.”

  Max asked, “What about the rest of the world?”

  “We were told that everyone except Africa and South America had been nuked with EMP bombs and many countries were bombed with regular nukes. LA, New York, San Fransisco, DC, and a hand full of others are smoking ruins, but the good news is that Russia and China are much worse off. Those middle east terrorist countries are now glass parking lots. Israel and the USA nuked them while the ICBMs were inbound to us.”

  Tony asked, “What do you plan to do now that TSHTF?”

  The leader replied, “We stayed because we have plenty of food and water here for years. We plan to start our own community and get farming and ranching going quickly. It’s the end of winter, and we need crops in the ground as soon as possible.”

  Max said, “I don’t see any weapons. How do you plan to keep this food and your new farms from being taken over?”

  The woman jumped up and said in a very sarcastic voice, “I told them that assholes like you would come and take all of this away from us. We’ll leave if you let us take some of the food.”

  Tony laughed and replied, “No, please stay and join us. Yes, we plan to take this and all of the warehouses in this complex but not kill anyone. We have guns and will get more. We have soldiers and police and will get more. We plan to take these warehouses, farm the land, and trade with the locals while we build our own safe community. Look at Nashville’s skyline. There are more fires and smoke by the hour. Stores are being looted, and one can even hear gunfire from Gallatin. Join us and be safe.”

  “We are going to need a shit pot full of seeds if we want to farm and someone has to round up cows, sheep, pigs, and feed for those critters,” Max said as he remembered they were also going to farm.

  Then under his breath, Max muttered, “We also need to find loose women to become whores, bartenders, and card dealers to start our new legitimate businesses.”

  “You do know you were talking out loud.”

  The warehouse leader sent runners to bring all of their people to the front office, and Tony masterfully gave his spiel again while Max interjected the gloom and doom about the dark new future. Most were shaking their heads up and down while they listened but a few were visibly upset that they would not be in charge of the food.

  Tony singled them out and said, “If we left and you were in charge, what would you do with the food?”

  The most vocal of the group said, “I’d keep it all for ourselves. We can live for years without having to farm or scrounge.”

  Max replied, “And at the end of that time the food runs out, and the rest of the locals would hate you and let you starve because you didn’t do anything to grow crops or raise animals to feed yourselves long term. How many of you feel like this man?”

  After hearing the wisdom from Tony and Max, only two agreed with the vocal man. The group huddled away from the men, and the leader said, “George, you and the other assholes can get some food and leave now. We are joining Tony’s group. It only makes sense.”

  George said, “Who’s going to make us,” as he pulled a pistol and shot the leader.

  Tony shot and killed George as Oscar and Max shot the other two. The three men lay on the floor dead or dying as Maggie cleared a desk and started tending to the leader’s wound. One of the others ran up with the office first aid kit and handed it to Maggie.

  Maggie exclaimed, “Damn, you are lucky. The bullet missed the big artery and lodged against your femur. It was only a little .22 from a pop gun.”

  “Lady, it hurts like hell. Can you dig the bullet out?”

  Maggie held the man’s hand and said, “No we’ll leave it in there. We don't have any sterile equipment and digging around would just lead to blood poisoning and your death. I’ll put this antibiotic cream on your wound and bandage it up. You’ll be as good as new in a couple of months. Stay off your leg for a week and find crutches or a cane until it heals. Change the bandages as often as possible and keep slathering that antibiotic on the wound.

  Oscar gathered the rest of the new people and asked, “Do any of you have military or police experience?”

  Twelve of the four dozen people had served in the military, and two had been local police. Oscar took charge of them, secured the second warehouse, and took an expanding team on to take over the next five warehouses.

  Before they left Tony asked the new people if they wanted their wounded leader to be in charge of their warehouse. They all said they wanted to keep him on as their leader, so Tony said, “You are in charge here, and you report to Oscar. Your security force will report to Bob, and I’d like a couple of people with military or police experience to work for Max who is our local Sheriff.”

  Tony walked beside Max as they stepped up to the last warehouse as the sun was setting and said, “You do know that seizing these warehouses is much easier than telling Amy that she reports to you.”

  “I wouldn’t want that job and don’t try to shove it off on me,” Max joked and then added, “Greg still thinks she is going to cut his throat.

  “Amy just wanted to make sure that everyone sees her as an equal and not a defenseless woman who cooks and cleans,” replied Tony.

  Max said, “Tony we need to be thinking about what we will be trading for because the three warehouses have most of what we need. I want to ask for old cars that we can get running, guns and ammo, and labor to do farm work.”

  Tony replied, “We have food, clothing, hardware, lumber, electronics, Jim Beam, healthcare and drugs, and will soon have auto parts warehouses. We will need a large group of guards for the CSS and liquor warehouses. Greg told me that they don’t store the hard stuff there but cross dock i
t and deliver to the pharmacies. He said there will be enough to last a small community for longer than the drug’s shelf life unless we have a bunch of drug addicts.”

  “Too bad we didn’t score a gun warehouse,” replied Max.

  Oscar overheard the conversation and said, “There is a Hunter’s Pro Shop warehouse in the next complex. I’ll have my men raid it and bring back every gun, weapon, bows, and all the ammo we can carry. I’m taking a team out to convince those two Pawnshops on the strip to throw in with us. I’m also sending Roger and a team out to fill up the cars after we find a hand pump at the Auto Parts Warehouse. We also need more trucks, vans, and some larger trucks.”

  “Max and I are working on that. Oscar, have your men pass on to everyone that we need pre 1973 cars, trucks, tractors and semis as soon as possible. Hey, we also need mechanics. Oscar, tell Rob to be on the lookout for them.

  We need to be able to move our goods out and trades back into our complex. I’ll also have Greg start a crew adding another row of fence around our perimeter and join us to the next complex once you have taken it.”

  Oscar replied, “Damn Boss, are we expanding too quickly? This is only the second day.”

  Max replied, “Oscar we need to take as much as possible before the looters and gangs think to come up here. The grocery stores will be empty in a day or so, and many of the former warehouse workers will lead people back here. We have to seize everything we can hold against the looters and convince the good people to trade with us.”

  Tony added, “We also need a hundred more armed men and women to protect our new home and trade goods. Quickly add as many as possible and make all troublemakers go away quietly. I don’t want everyone too scared of us. We need willing people who want to fight for their community.”

  Max listened to Tony as he artfully handled Oscar and said, “You should have been a politician.”

  “Actually, I had a team working on implementing a run at the New Your Senate. We had the fix in with many of the power bosses at the unions and council members. I was a shoe in to win,” replied Tony.