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Rogues Origin: Book I - Rogues Apocalypse Page 6

  “From honorable crook to honorable crooked Senator makes sense to me. You got my vote.”

  The Auto Parts folks took a bit more convincing to join Tony’s team but were soon in the fold and given responsibilities. Max was pleased that many of their group was shade tree mechanics with a few real mechanics in the bunch. As usual, there were several with military experience, and one lady in the front office had been an MP. Oscar assigned her to Max’s team, and she relished a job back into law enforcement. The good news was there was a display of Auto Part’s antique car parts in the lobby and four old trucks and two cars on the lawn in front of the front office. They were sent to the various company stores for promotional use and were in perfect running shape. One of the trucks was an old F450 tow truck that could be used to bring in the old cars for repair.

  Max, Oscar, and Tony headed back to the first warehouse when Greg waved them to come into the Krag warehouse. They walked in the front office then to the warehouse floor and found one of the shipping offices had been set up as a kitchen. There were a dozen tables set up to feed the ever expanding team.

  Greg told them, “Roger had the men fetch some mattresses, sleeping bags, and other stuff to help us live here until we decide on what to do. He also found stoves and propane tanks from the local distribution centers, and we have our first attempt at a kitchen. We also have refrigerators thanks to that camping trailer store down the road. They have refrigerators for campers that run on propane. We need to seize a propane distributor. Eat up.”

  Amy was standing behind a table dishing out food to the team, and Greg joined her serving the food. They also had tea, Gatorade, and beer in several small refrigerators.

  Amy said, “Boss we are rotating everyone from every one of the warehouses through here today but plan on having kitchens at the others eventually. This was Greg’s idea.”

  “Hey, Amy grilled the steaks and Sam warmed up the corn and beans. It was a team effort. We will eat as much of the meat that will spoil first, so we save the nonperishable goods for later. After supper, two dozen of us will be moving meat from the meat chambers to the freezers so the meat will last longer. We think we can get four to five days before the meat begins to spoil. We can feed a bunch of people in that time.

  Max and Tony got off to the side and discussed the plans for the next day with Max giving his thoughts first, “We’ve discussed some of this but in no order are my thoughts. People will start showing up in the next few days for food. Let’s trade them meat for old cars, cans of gasoline, any gun, ammo, and labor. Tony, we must trade for all guns that come in even if they are crappy. Fewer guns in bad guy’s hands will be good in the long run.

  The people we barter with can have the first meat on the promise to bring traded goods back. We write down their IDs and let them know not to show up again without the trade goods. We ask as many as can pass the smell test to join our group that has military, farming, mechanic, maintenance, and other skills we need.

  People with kids always get food and medical supplies the first time. We continue taking warehouses as long as we have the people to keep control of them. We will pull some campers here to live in until we decide on long term accommodations.”

  “Max whoa down. Hey, Amy, come over here with a pen and paper for Max. We need to get organized.”

  Amy sat down beside Tony and was ready to take notes when Max said, “Amy I’ll take the notes. I need your help in getting a multitude of projects organized and completed for Tony. I asked him if I could borrow you to help me since you have the contacts with his men and vast experience in just about everything we will be trying to accomplish. I want you to be in charge of several projects if you will join me.”

  Amy looked at Tony with a tight smile on her face and asked, “Tony can you spare me to help Max? I think I could be some help to him.”

  “Amy, I think it’s a great idea, and you would still be around so I can always get your help. Are you sure this is okay?”

  “Yeah Boss. Max is an okay guy, and I can learn a lot from him. I also want him to learn more about weapons and tactics,” replied Amy.

  Before Tony could answer Max said, “I like that. We will make a great team.”

  “Just don’t plan on keeping her,” joked Tony.

  Oscar and Rob joined the conversation, and they discussed their results for the day and plans for the next week, day by day with detail and the names of the person responsible.

  Oscar said, “Roger and my other men did good today. They brought a bunch of camping supplies, guns, other weapons, fishing gear... Hell, you get the picture. He brought most of the store over here. Pauli traded fresh meat for all of the guns from the two abandoned pawn shops and Vito found two more trucks that run.”

  Tony laughed and said, “That’s great. Good job. Max, I think you will agree that we have made a great deal of progress in two days. We traveled here, gathered supplies, seized nine warehouses, and added over a hundred recruits to the fold. That’s not bad.”

  Max replied, “I am very impressed even if I am patting myself on the back as I praise our efforts. Now the big hurdle to jump is keeping our gains and adding farmland and farmers tomorrow.”

  “Damn, building an empire is exhausting. I need a Cuban cigar and a lady to rub my back,” Tony said.


  Amy left with a wicked grin on her face because she knew what was happening and had quickly decided to go willingly with Max and flirt with him to make Tony jealous. Tony hadn’t touched her since their high school days, and her friend with benefits was a long way off. She thought that Max could fill that position until Tony came to his senses since he would never see his wife again.

  Max was a likable fellow, and she wanted to learn more about this apocalypse survival stuff from him, but only Tony would do in the long run. She would bide her time and keep the ladies away from her man a much as she could while playing house with Max.

  She waited until she knew where Max had set up his sleeping quarters and moved closer to him so she could begin working her charm on him.


  “Tony that was too easy. I smell a rat,” said a confused Max.

  “Hell, I was happy that I didn’t have to order her to work for you. Now I wonder what is going on. I haven’t touched her since we were teens so maybe she wants your body,” laughed Tony as he punched Max in the ribs and then added, “Hell you might get laid tonight.”

  “Look, Tony, she isn't my type, and frankly she scares the hell out of me,” said a worried Max.

  “You haven’t been home in two weeks. Hell, in a couple of weeks, you’ll be jumping in the sack with her every night and begging for more. Have another shot of Jack and be prepared for lovemaking tonight,” said Tony as he snorted.

  Max staggered off to the office when he and Tony had finished their discussion. He had emptied out one of the larger offices to be his sleeping quarters and didn’t notice Amy curled up on a mattress in the corner. He stripped down, got in his sleeping bag, and fell into an alcohol induced deep sleep.


  Chapter 5: The Mobster

  Tony woke up early because he heard the faint sound of snoring in his room. The sun was hours away from peaking over the horizon, and the air was cold outside on this late winter day. Tony felt her back against his and thought what the heck a woman would be nice this morning. He rolled over on his mattress and saw she still had her back to him and was a beautiful blonde hugging a Teddy Bear. Usually, that would get his interest, but she appeared to be about five years old with a snotty nose and a cold. His youngest daughter was seven and seeing the youngster made him miss his family. He wiped a tear from his eye and placed his sleeping bag over the girl.

  He started to yell at one of his men to evict the brat but hesitated and then caught Harry and said, “Harry, you know most of the people left in the warehouses. There is a kid in my room, and I want to get her back to her family. Please have someone feed her and help her with her cold while we find
her parents.”

  “Harry smiled and said,”I’ll get her fed and check around for her parents.”

  “Thanks, how are things this morning?”

  “We had a touch and go night at the Krag warehouse. Several of the people who stayed tried to take over the warehouse early this morning, but our group caught them and dealt with them harshly. They are waiting to be buried this morning,” replied Harry.

  Tony asked,” Were any of our people injured? I didn't hear the gunfire.”

  “One of my guards, Ed, received a flesh wound on his right calf. The rest of the injuries were minor bruises and scrapes to knuckles as two of the attackers were beaten into submission. Oh, all of the fighting was inside the warehouse. Those tilt up slab walls are very thick.”

  “Did we question those two?”

  “Yes and then they were shot and placed with the others to be buried. A few of the group didn’t think we should have killed them,” said Harry.

  “What do you think about it,” asked Tony.

  “The rules changed three days ago. If we let them go, they will only bring a larger group back to take our warehouses. I didn’t like it, but it was the right thing to do.”

  Tony gave Harry a pat on the back and left to meet with his team over breakfast. He was surprised at how many people were awake this early in the morning. He walked to the tables outside the makeshift kitchen and saw Max, Oscar, Amy, and Greg already drinking their first cup of coffee.

  “Well, the gangs all here,” said Tony as he poured a cup of coffee and sat at the table with the others.

  “Tony that’s one of the first things we need to discuss while we’re waiting on the cooks. We all agree that you are the best person to lead our new community but need to know your vision. I for one do not want to join a group with the same goals as…uh…your previous organization. Hell, I don’t know what your goals were before; I just know that we need to be fair to the people that join us and that we fiercely protect them and our possessions. We also need to know who you want at this table to be your loyal advisors,” Max said with more than a bit of fear in his voice.

  “Max those were excellent topics to discuss. I think we will be a work in progress for quite some time. I want to keep the group here on my advisory board. I don’t want it to have more than eight people. We need subgroups to assist in managing everything from security to educating our kids,” said Tony

  Everyone murmured when Tony said educating our kids causing Tony to pause and then add, “We are in this for the long haul, and Max needs to point out the potential pitfalls quickly, so we don’t make too many mistakes. There will be kids, orphans, and widows. How do we deal with them? Unfortunately, I am convinced that we are on our own and will have to take control of a wide area around the warehouses to keep gangs and hordes of people from overrunning us.

  So let’s work down the list. I am in charge, and you are the first advisory committee. I plan to grow this community as large as we can manage. Everyone works, everyone eats, and everyone fights for our community if needed. For example, since I abhor drugs; drugs are still illegal. We will have most of the social rules of law, but several will not apply. Gambling and prostitution are now legal as long as taxes are paid to the community. People who live under our rules will thrive. Those who can’t leave of their own accord, be run off, or Oscar will make them disappear.

  Everyone in our community will be treated with the same respect as I expect to be given to us at this table. We might have been outside the law before, but we did have morals and loyalty.

  Oh, and taxes will not be very high whatever the fuck that means. We just need the community coffers to have enough to pay for services rendered, maintenance, security, and such stuff.”

  Oscar, I want you to put a large force together to protect and keep the area around the warehouses. We will want people to join us and work to make our community better. Allow those people to enter with the appropriate guards to a safe place to vet them before deciding who enters our community.

  Max, I’m counting on you to take charge of the police force inside and outside of the community. You will need 50-100 cops as we grow. I want life in the community to be peaceful, quiet, and a safe place to live. Dispense justice as you see fit. You will be the judge and jury for about six months to a year until we have a formal judge and jury kind of crap. I also want you to be seen as the champion for the little guy so let Oscar handle any work that might upset someone’s relatives if you get my drift.”

  “Greg, I want you to take on responsibility for buildings, sanitation, maintenance, transportation, and logistics. Add inventory to that list. Grow your team as needed. Folks I won’t tell you how to do your jobs but don’t add people that our tax system can’t pay for.”

  Amy, you will keep most of your previous duties and assist Max most of the time. I also want you to go out in the world with Max and be our eyes and ears with the people around us. You will need a handful of spies and wet work types. I don’t want to find out that a motorcycle gang has tripled in size and threatens us. You will help their leaders find other occupations as needed.”

  The food was ready, and a person came over to take their order when Tony said, “I’m sorry but what is your name?”

  “Sir, my name is Liz, and I work in the kitchen.”

  “Liz, thanks for coming over, but we will go through the line like everyone else,” Tony replied.

  “But sir you are our leader!”

  “Liz, I thank you for trying to help, but my people and I are to be treated like everyone else. Thanks.”

  Max spoke up, “Now that’s the way to build loyalty from the troops.”

  Tony replied, “I know, but I kind of liked being waited on like royalty before the shit hit the fan. Let’s go eat and afterward Max, Amy, and I will tour our little community and spread goodwill and cheer.”

  After breakfast, Tony told Oscar to find out all he could about the young and beautiful woman named Liz. He hoped she was single and if so he had plans for her. After all, he would never see his wife again, and a man had certain needs, and she looked like a woman who could supply those needs.


  Greg caught Max away from the others and felt him out on how things were progressing so far, “Max, what do you really think about starting our own kingdom with a Mob boss as it’s leader?”

  “It’s unbelievable, and my fans would be surprised at the plot; however, this is where billions die, and if I can survive by hooking up with a crook, I will do it and like it until something better comes along.”

  “I guess that’s exactly how I feel. Tony is a likable sort of fellow, but he will also have Amy slit our throats if he thinks we are not loyal to him,” Greg lowered his head and added, “Max, I should be kissing your feet for taking me along with you.”

  “Greg, you are pulling your weight, and your logistics knowledge will be what keeps these warehouses running. Back to the other issue, we need a long term exit plan and be careful who we trust with the plan. I want to stick with Tony and this community for three to six months. Most of the die off will happen by then, and the gangs should be thinned out in this area. I still plan to head out to Wyoming to join my parents,” Max said in a hushed voice as he checked to make sure no one was nearby.

  “Max, I’m with you and like what you said. We bide our time, kiss Tony’s ass, and live to do our own thing.”


  Max suggested they have a short meeting with each person in charge of a warehouse several times a week to make sure they felt part of the team and were able to give their input. There were seven men and two women around the conference table when Tony’s group walked in and sat down.

  “Ladies and gentlemen these are the four leaders of the various departments that make up the leadership of our little community. I am Anthony Mogolusia, and I am the leader of the community,” Tony said before introducing his team and having the nine warehouse managers introduce themselves.

  Tony wen
t on to summarize the rules and goals of this new community and was met mostly with smiles and agreement; however, there were several dissenting opinions and questions from one manager.

  An older man that was in charge of the auto parts warehouse said, “One of my key people told me that you are a Mob boss from New York and not fit to lead us. He also feels that we need to break off and start our own community. What should I tell him?”

  “Those are great questions, and if I were one of you, I would have many of the same questions. First, I am from New York. Second, there is no Mob. That is an invention of the Federal Government to harras people who don’t agree with their heavy handed laws. I was a businessman from New York who invested in several businesses such as sanitation, transportation, and entertainment. Now for the real issue. You tell your problem child that no part of our community will be allowed to be taken from the community and that he and anyone who thinks like that can and should leave now with a weeks supply of food. We are building this community to provide a safe place for our friends and families who can live by our rules and prosper.

  I need your input to develop the rules for the community and make it strong against outside forces.”

  “I’ll tell him and the three others that support him. My question is will you support me if I have to force him out,” replied the manager.

  “I’ll give you some advice. Be gentle as you tell him to hit the road. If he doesn’t go tell Max. His police force will remove the problem children. Max will tell them that they will be shot on sight if we ever see them again after they leave. Oscar’s men will see to that. You managers shouldn't be seen as the bad guys but should never make my team or me the bad guys. Our police force and the army will handle bad people fairly and decisively.”